Sunday, November 17, 2013

Marine Invertebrate: Pacific Sea Nettle

Pacific Sea Nettle,550x550,075,f.jpg

Scientific Name: Chrysaora fuscescens

Habitat: These guys live off the west coast of the U.S., as far south as Mexico and as far north as British Colombia. There have even been sightings around Japan.

Reproduction: Sea Nettles reproduce from eggs and spread by polyps.
Predator/Prey: The Sea Nettle eats plankton, zooplankton, crustaceans, snails, small fish, and sometimes other jellyfish. Sea Turtles, and Spiny Dogfish eat these jellies.

5 Interesting Facts: 
  1. Jellyfish ar 90% water
  2. Pacific Sea Nettles can have tentacles as long as 16 feet
  3. Their Bell can be up to 30 in wide
  4.  They have light sensing organs that they use to move to deeper or more sunlit water.
  5. Sea Nettles spread their toxic tentacles out like a net to catch food.

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