Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead Shark
Scientific Name: Sphyrna lewini
Found: In warm and tropical waters around the world. They usually stalk their pray along the bottom of the ocean.

Yellow Indicates where
Hammerheads tend to live
Reproduction: Reproduce every year with the female giving live births. After the babies are born, the parents do not protect or take care of them.

Predator/prey: These sharks are predictors and eat almost anything from fish, squid crustaceans and on occasion, other sharks. However stingrays are a favorite for them.

Endangered?Why?: yes, Shark fins are sometimes served and eaten world wide. When fisherman catch the shark and cut off their fins, the shark is sent back to the ocean without it's fins and eventually dies.
Interesting facts:
  1. With their wide-set eyes they can see more than most sharks
  2. Sometimes they travel in schools
  3. They can grow up to 20ft long and weigh up to 1,000 pounds

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