Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nitrogen Cycle

Post a picture of you aquarium nitrogen cycle illustration. Then give a detailed explanation of how the nitrogen cycle works

The nitrogen cycle can happen in an aquarium. 
My Illustration:

It all starts when you feed the fish. The fish's waste turns to ammonia which can and will kill it if the level gets to high. It's as poisonous to your fish as carbon monoxide is to humans. Luckily, after a few days ammonia eating bacteria starts to form eating away at the ammonia. This bacteria is called nitrosomonous bacteria and produces Nitrite as a result of "eating" the ammonia. Then another bacteria starts to form called Nitrobacter. It gets rid of  the Nitrite which is less poisonous than ammonia, but still bad for your fish. Nitrate is formed as a result of the Nirtobacter. Nitrate can be absorbed by the live plants in your aquarium as a fertilizer. Over time, the live plant can improve water quality.

food-->fish-->ammonia-->nitrosomonous bacteria-->Nitrite-->nitrobacter bacteria-->Nitrate-->Live plants-->improved water quality

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